Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Success Study Video

Just thought I'd share with you all my Success Study Video on Youtube.

I hope you enjoy it...


The link to the book is provided below:

The outline for the science fiction novel is coming along very well and continues to serve my purpose to positively change the world forever... However, at the same time fiction is for entertainment purposes I'm going to try to not take this too seriously. But it should make for a great read and maybe one day perhaps a movie. But that's getting ahead of myself. We'll wait and see what you think of it once it's published.

Okay have a fantastic day / night wherever you are!


MMA Human Nature?

I was watching MMA fighting as a reward to myself yesterday night.

I don't know why I find it entertaining. I mean it is a very violent sport. I suppose its a little similar to those Roman times with the Colosseum. Anyway, there was a fight between one guy that obviously was really strong and fit and was known to have beaten all the top fighters in the game. And then his opponent known for Brazilian jiu jitsu. The fit guy was dominating the Brazilian in a style akin to Muhammad Ali - he didn't put his guard up, he was taunting his opponent and basically didn't show any respect for his opponent.

For almost the entire 3 rounds this fit guy dominated. And then the Brazilian came back with a couple hits of his own. And bam that was it. The fact that this fit fighter did not respect the Brazilian was most probably his undoing. At least it turned out that way and the Brazilian won.

I suppose one reason why I find it fascinating is that I'm intrigued by human psychology. Like imagine being the fighter on your way to the ring. It must be kind of daunting knowing that you are about to step into a cage where you could definitely be killed.

And even human nature.

I remember one time watching a heavy weight bout between two boxers that was played live from Madison Square Garden. The fight began and after a short period one heavy weight fighter punched the other illegally in the crown jewels. He received a warning. The fight continued and then it happened again. The fighter received a penalty. And then a third time. I believe the boxer was disqualified or the match was called off. But all I noticed was the ensuing riot that occurred as it was on live TV. Everyone was fighting. And I mean everyone, the entire crowd. Security guards, the boxers themselves, front row, back row, and side to side. It was like one of those ice hockey matches in which there was a draw between Bart and Lisa and then the whole stadium erupts into chaos.

Isn't it crazy how this kind of things sells.

Anyway just wanted to update you all on my thoughts.

The new science fiction book is coming along really well.

I can't really say much more than that - but that it may have the possibility to develop into a series.

Till next time.

Have a fantastic day.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Possibility of extra terrestrial life?

Sometimes I wonder if the possibility of extra-terrestrial life is a ridiculous and ludicrous topic to talk about. But then as I type I look out the window to the stars and the evidence seems to be glaringly obvious.

Not because it is glaringly obvious... But because I had to debate this exact same topic at school when I was 15 years old. I thought yes here's my chance my mate is going to get for and I'll get against. This will be a walk in the park. How easy will it be to prove that alien's don't exist seeming as we have no proof of aliens or any alien life... right?

Alas, unfortunately I was given the for - to debate that aliens do exist. I thought this was absolutely absurd. But nonetheless I began my quest for finding out what the probabilities would be after looking into NASA, SETI and similar space programs. I ended up talking about mathematical probabilities to such a degree that it was basically impossible to argue against this indirect evidence. So I actually ended up winning the debate by a huge margin. My mate was stunned.

I suppose that is one of the big reasons why I'm delving into this science fiction arena because we really just don't know what we don't know. It also seems as though a lot of the things science fiction writers write about somehow manages to peek it's way into reality. I wonder sometimes if it's because they already know what technology is available and they extrapolate from there or if we are heavily influenced by their ideas and fantasies?

I mean in just one instance think of Star Trek. Teleportation. According to referred to by Wikipedia "presently, the record distance for quantum teleportation is 143km".

Even if we step back a notch just think of some of the technological advancements that have taken place in the world to date - mobile phones, the internet, computers, electricity, light, landing on the moon, a robot on Mars, being able to see our world through the 'eyes' of satellites, the car, robots; the list goes on and on and on. If you look to great magazines like New Scientist the amount of scientific discoveries seems endless.

What would happen if we discovered some form of alien life? You know as ridiculous as this question seems it was actually on the agenda of the World Economic Forum in 2013 according to the Huffington Post - And confirmed by looking at

Considering the advancement of technology and the current rate of space exploration it may not be as far away as what one might first have thought. Star Wars, ET, and other so called fictions may have a little bit of non-fiction to their agendas. I mean before the 1950s how many people would've guessed that it was possible to land a man on the moon?

The book is coming along well.

Have a fantastic day!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Some interesting Scientific Developments Tuesday 5th February 2013

Tuesday 5th February 2013

I am bewildered at the magnificence of it all.

The more I explore the options of Science Fiction writing the more I think back to when I was a child looking up at the stars.

I mean how often do we get a chance to take our focus off the things we are doing here and focus on what's going on overseas, let alone look up at the stars and wonder.

There have been crazy scientific developments that most people just don't hear about.

If you've ever read a copy of New Scientist you'll know what I'm talking about.

I can remember reading one issue that talked about Japan or a Japanese company seriously looking into the possibility of changing the atmosphere of Mars with bio-domes that would eventually change the atmosphere of the red planet to one similar to our own within 200 - 300 years.

Now I'm hearing of an actual project coming from SpaceX corporation that the particular dream that was on paper is going to become a reality. And not in the distant 200 - 300 years. They plan on beginning the 'colonization' of Mars as soon as 2023. That's only 15 years away. If you are skeptical like I was just research it for yourself. They have the backing of most of the biggest aerospace companies and suppliers on the planet and the money to make it happen. And as you read this they are building, testing and re-testing all the actual components to make their goal a reality.

Then we see someone virtually skydiving (if you can even call that sky) from the stratosphere. It's a space jump.

I even heard that in 1997 they teleported a particle from point A to point B. Meaning that they made a particle basically disappear at one point and then reappear at another. I've just read on wikipedia under quantum teleportation that the 'record distance for quantum teleportation is 143 km'.

The world of science is quite amazing!

To my readers out there my book is well on the way.

The research phase is taking quite a while as there is definitely a little technical jargon to get through and to find verifiable resources.

But it should make for a very interesting entertaining read.

I can't wait to release it.

Till we next chat.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jumping into Science Fiction - Sunday 3rd February 2013

Sunday 3rd February 2013

Hi there all!

I have decided to jump into the realm of fiction as was my strength when I was younger.

I love the ability of the mind to be able to create any world it wishes with a single thought of the mind - or multiple thoughts I should say.

I believe I will be jumping into the realm of science fiction.

I cannot predict an approximate publication date as of yet as this is a new field for me - especially with science fiction. Other than to say it will be published as soon as possible.

This is going to be very exciting to write!

I can't wait...

Have a fantastic day


Friday, February 1, 2013

Published - Long Term Goal Setting the key to mastering achievement in your life

The book Long Term Goal Setting the key to mastering achievement in your life is now available via:

There is a secret.

A secret which once uncovered can be used to bring you lifelong success in any endeavour.

It is quite different to any other secret you may have encountered that revolves around the nature of success.

The application of this one common denominator is seen in every successful achievement of a long term goal.

Through tireless years of interviewing some of the most renowned people in the world including Dr. Stephen R Covey – Bestselling Author and US Presidential Advisor, High Court of Australia Justice Michael Kirby, Writer of the Hollywood Blockbuster ‘Pay it Forward’ Catherine Ryan Hyde and many more, researching their books, and through the deep observation of the general nature of things and human behaviour I hold in my hand this secret. 

This entire book is designed to help you uncover that secret.

There is a reference to the secret to achieving your long term goal in every chapter of this book. Though, it has not been directly expressed or written in any chapter of this book. 

Uncovering the secret for yourself and applying it to your life will propel your success in life in ways that you could not imagine.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Publishing update for Long Term Goal Setting the key to mastering achievement in your life

Long Term Goal Setting the key to mastering achievement in your life was completed last night (swedish time) - I was hoping to wake up letting you all know that it is ready for download but it is still undergoing Amazon's publishing stage... I believe it will be online within a couple hours.

Here's to an awesome 2013!

One love.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"LONG TERM GOAL SETTING - the key to mastering achievement in your life"

"LONG TERM GOAL SETTING - the key to mastering achievement in your life"

The whole concept of this book was launched from a conversation I had with a close friend of mine.

He said quite seriously and as a matter of fact that he wanted to achieve a goal within a certain time frame that is next to impossible for most people to achieve.

As you all know I am not someone who believes in the impossible.

At the same time I think it is extraordinarily helpful to be practical in the steps to achieving a challenging goal like the one he talked about.

His timeframe was 8 years.

And when I was his age I used to think in the same way.

That in 8 years I'm going to be on top of the world kind of thing.

At the same time if you focused seriously on a goal you could achieve a hell of a lot in 8 years.

If you want to achieve long-term happiness and success I would suggest you write down the following (as was my advice to my friend):






And then simply write down one important thing that MUST be achieved each year in order to achieve your final goal.

It is a very simple and effective way to achieve your goals.

Your 'focus' - your current thoughts and feelings - will be directed towards one simple thing you can do this year.

Additionally, I found one of the most useful things to focus on is to think that a little done now is a lot more than a lot done tommorrow - because once today is gone it is gone.

With challenging long term goals consistent progress is the key to success.

Achieve consistency and you will be where you want to be.

The book - "LONG TERM GOAL SETTING - the key to mastering achievement in your life" will be launching on Amazon on 31st January this year.

I look forward to it being an inspiration in your lives.

Have a fantastic day!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday 3rd January 2013 - 31st JAN BOOK LAUNCH

"LONG TERM GOAL SETTING - the key to mastering achievement in your life"
AMAZON.COM BOOK LAUNCH - 31st January - already hailed as "a masterpiece"

In celebration of the book launch there will be FREE ebooks available from 3rd January - 7th January via my author page on amazon

PRE-ORDER FREE book - for everyone that downloads & reviews a copy of The Success Study I will send a free copy of the New Book - Long Term Goal Setting - the key to mastering achievement in your life - you can download and review The Success Study here -

The Success Study is a great introduction into understanding in clarity the dynamics of goal setting before proceeding to achieving your life long goals and amibitions as will be outlined in the new book launch 31st January 2013.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thursday 3rd January 2013

Hi there all!

Just wanted to let y'all know I've been watching Beverly Hills Cop with Eddie Murphy which I find absolutely hilarious...

Its a great funny movie that I've probably watched 100 times.

Just like we feel probably like we've started a new year like 100 times - but not really.

It is 2013 and to get this year started off with a surge of positive momentum - instead of wished away new years resolutions and the such - I want to introduce you to my new project.

A new ebook about precisely how to achieve that which has alluded you before.

A precise plan on how you can achieve whatever it is you want.

And realistically.

In concrete terms.

It will be delving into the detail of precisely how to go about achieving what it is you truly want to achieve.

To make it practical.


And achievable in a timeframe which makes it possible and even more than probable to achieve.

Thinking in such ways can guarantee your success.

It can make your success automatic.

If you can direct your focus in the way in which this book outlines... which provides you a method for doing so, you will be able to forever change your focus away from the day to day grind and instead look towards the progress you are steadily making towards the achievement of your goal.

Estimated launch date: 31st January 2013

Happy New Year everybody and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Here's to a sensational 2013!