Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Some interesting Scientific Developments Tuesday 5th February 2013

Tuesday 5th February 2013

I am bewildered at the magnificence of it all.

The more I explore the options of Science Fiction writing the more I think back to when I was a child looking up at the stars.

I mean how often do we get a chance to take our focus off the things we are doing here and focus on what's going on overseas, let alone look up at the stars and wonder.

There have been crazy scientific developments that most people just don't hear about.

If you've ever read a copy of New Scientist you'll know what I'm talking about.

I can remember reading one issue that talked about Japan or a Japanese company seriously looking into the possibility of changing the atmosphere of Mars with bio-domes that would eventually change the atmosphere of the red planet to one similar to our own within 200 - 300 years.

Now I'm hearing of an actual project coming from SpaceX corporation that the particular dream that was on paper is going to become a reality. And not in the distant 200 - 300 years. They plan on beginning the 'colonization' of Mars as soon as 2023. That's only 15 years away. If you are skeptical like I was just research it for yourself. They have the backing of most of the biggest aerospace companies and suppliers on the planet and the money to make it happen. And as you read this they are building, testing and re-testing all the actual components to make their goal a reality.

Then we see someone virtually skydiving (if you can even call that sky) from the stratosphere. It's a space jump.

I even heard that in 1997 they teleported a particle from point A to point B. Meaning that they made a particle basically disappear at one point and then reappear at another. I've just read on wikipedia under quantum teleportation that the 'record distance for quantum teleportation is 143 km'.

The world of science is quite amazing!

To my readers out there my book is well on the way.

The research phase is taking quite a while as there is definitely a little technical jargon to get through and to find verifiable resources.

But it should make for a very interesting entertaining read.

I can't wait to release it.

Till we next chat.


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