Sunday, February 10, 2013

MMA Human Nature?

I was watching MMA fighting as a reward to myself yesterday night.

I don't know why I find it entertaining. I mean it is a very violent sport. I suppose its a little similar to those Roman times with the Colosseum. Anyway, there was a fight between one guy that obviously was really strong and fit and was known to have beaten all the top fighters in the game. And then his opponent known for Brazilian jiu jitsu. The fit guy was dominating the Brazilian in a style akin to Muhammad Ali - he didn't put his guard up, he was taunting his opponent and basically didn't show any respect for his opponent.

For almost the entire 3 rounds this fit guy dominated. And then the Brazilian came back with a couple hits of his own. And bam that was it. The fact that this fit fighter did not respect the Brazilian was most probably his undoing. At least it turned out that way and the Brazilian won.

I suppose one reason why I find it fascinating is that I'm intrigued by human psychology. Like imagine being the fighter on your way to the ring. It must be kind of daunting knowing that you are about to step into a cage where you could definitely be killed.

And even human nature.

I remember one time watching a heavy weight bout between two boxers that was played live from Madison Square Garden. The fight began and after a short period one heavy weight fighter punched the other illegally in the crown jewels. He received a warning. The fight continued and then it happened again. The fighter received a penalty. And then a third time. I believe the boxer was disqualified or the match was called off. But all I noticed was the ensuing riot that occurred as it was on live TV. Everyone was fighting. And I mean everyone, the entire crowd. Security guards, the boxers themselves, front row, back row, and side to side. It was like one of those ice hockey matches in which there was a draw between Bart and Lisa and then the whole stadium erupts into chaos.

Isn't it crazy how this kind of things sells.

Anyway just wanted to update you all on my thoughts.

The new science fiction book is coming along really well.

I can't really say much more than that - but that it may have the possibility to develop into a series.

Till next time.

Have a fantastic day.


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