Saturday, August 16, 2014

100 tips to motivate yourself right now

I just thought I'd provide 100 tips to motivate yourself right now:

  1. Simply just do it
  2. Know that you can do it
  3. Simply begin doing a little and soon you'll being doing a lot
  4. Block out all other thoughts other than just doing that which you know you must or want to do
  5. Listen to an inspirational song - this can motivate you quicker than almost anything else
  6. Watch a motivational video - sometimes we need a little more inspiration
  7. Use affirmations to get yourself to act like: "Do it... Do it... Do it... Do it" - & repeat
  8. Read a motivational quote
  9. Don't over-think things... simply do it
  10. If you know you should be acting - why not just do it now?
  11. You are not getting any younger
  12. You are the only you that will ever exist in the entire history of the universe
  13. You are capable of more than what you could ever imagine
  14. What are you waiting for?
  15. The only time is now
  16. You were born to do this
  17. There is nothing you cannot accomplish if you set your mind to it
  18. I believe in you
  19. Imagine if you did everything you needed to do right now - how would you feel?
  20. How would it feel if you just got the thing done?
  21. Reward yourself after completing the thing you need to do
  22. To motivate yourself is simply to get yourself to do it
  23. You do not need to be 'motivated' - you just need to do it
  24. Don't waste anymore time reading this list - strike whilst the iron is hot
  25. Try writing down 100 things to motivate yourself
  26. If you have trouble at 26 to come up with ideas it is probably time to do the thing as there is nothing left but the task at hand
  27. Procrastination cannot exist in the world of achieving what you want
  28. There is no need to analyse why you are not acting... just act
  29. Talk to a friend about your problem
  30. Sometimes things can be a little more complicated... so write out a plan
  31. Think with your heart & mind
  32. What have you got to gain by taking action now?
  33. What have you got to lose by not taking action now?
  34. You believe in yourself. Deep down you truly do.
  35. Take a quick break if it is needed.
  36. Go out and try something new
  37. Do you need an action plan... or do you simply need to act?
  38. How could you win today? How about try winning at life for one day?
  39. If you can achieve success over a day there is nothing that can stop you from achieving success day after day
  40. Think whatever you have to think to get yourself to act right now
  41. Do you need to read an inspirational book?
  42. Why is it that some people are successful and some are not? Is it simply the power of thinking yourself into action?
  43. You need to win... and you need to win now
  44. What is the one thing you need to say to yourself to act right now
  45. How motivated do you need to be to achieve what it is you are setting out to achieve? Be that motivated full stop!
  46. Do you have a list of clearly defined goals with realistic plans to achieve them?
  47. Do you want to live in the top 10%?
  48. Do what the bottom 90% don't do
  49. Realize that you are allowed to trick yourself into acting right now
  50. There is really nothing stopping you from acting right now
  51. Get someone who is in a position of authority to check up on whether or not you have done what you said you were going to do
  52. To win today is simply to know that you did everything you could to win today
  53. What is the number one thing you need to do right now?
  54. What do you truly want from life?
  55. Is there anything on this list which made you think I need to do that - then do that!
  56. Get of your chair... Go to a mirror and look yourself deep in the eyes and tell yourself "I am going to do it! I am going to do it now!"
  57. Whatever level of motivation you need to act right now - you will find it
  58. Master the art of motivating yourself to act by acting fast and on that which you truly know you want to
  59. Take all distractions out of the picture by doing the thing which you know you must
  60. Your motivation is the result of the way you think... Think action now. Take action now.
  61. Why would you need to read anything more on this list before taking action?
  62. Even just thinking is acting... do this right and you will act right
  63. When do you want to do it? Why not now?
  64. How long are you going to wait before you live the life of your dreams?
  65. If you were on your death bed - what would you have done differently? What would you do differently right now?
  66. How much time do you need before you can be motivated?
  67. Do you need to be an expert on motivation to get yourself to consistently act?
  68. Everything you need to do everything you want to is already sitting right in front of you. You are using it to read the words on this page.
  69. You are the best you I have ever had the pleasure of writing to
  70. You have the power
  71. You have the will
  72. There is more in you than what you think you've got
  73. There is nothing that can stop you
  74. You are unstoppable
  75. You are invincible
  76. There is a power within you stronger than your wildest dreams
  77. You were born to win
  78. You are a champion
  79. All that is left is to do the thing you need to do
  80. You are special beyond what you could even pretend to imagine
  81. You are an amazing individual
  82. Everything you want is achievable
  83. Start doing now
  84. When does the time come to stop thinking and start acting?
  85. Is that time now?
  86. You were put on this earth for a reason
  87. Coach yourself to success
  88. Take control of your mind
  89. Are you truly able to do whatever you want to?
  90. If you can think to act... then you can 
  91. You can make yourself act right now
  92. Step by step anything is possible
  93. Start at step 1
  94. Do whatever you must to get yourself to be motivated right now
  95. If you are not motivated then do whatever it takes to become motivated
  96. There is a solution to every problem
  97. What could you do right now if you knew you were going to win?
  98. Do it right now
  99. Do it!
  100. If you have read this list to 100 you were motivated to act to read to 100... Now just do what you have to... immediately... no delay... Now is your time!!!
Positively change your life forever... by taking action right now.

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