Saturday, August 16, 2014

Is self coaching the master key to all success?

Hi everyone!

Is self-coaching the master key to all success?

Think about it.


Try this practical theory... you can call it The Self Coaching Theorem - even if it has it's origins from many sources.

1. Assume that all your actions come from your thoughts.
2. How do you think? Is it not most often when you speak to yourself inside your head. Like your talking out aloud but in your head? (This is the way it works for me).
3. If this is so then what you say to yourself on a consistent basis determines your consistent actions and thus your results.

SELF-COACHING then would be the key to all success.

Drive your own inner thoughts by using repetitive positive statements that support & drive you like a coach and you will find a surge of energy you never knew existed.

I stumbled upon this whilst researching what is the recipe for success with a motivational speaker / newly acquired friend.

I had renewed my passion for watching Michael Jordan and finding out what he's doing at the moment... and watched a couple Youtube videos of him. 

It made me realise quite clearly when he was playing that he was speaking to himself and firing himself up to a point which few other athletes do.

I am 100% certain of this theorem as I have found it evident in every great success I've ever had.

And even in every action I take, good or bad - a result of the way I talk to myself in my head.

For example you could choose to control that voice by saying:

"Today is Kick Ass Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc"

"I am the best"

"I am going to Kick ass"


I hope that in some way you see the magic in what I have shown you! 

Until next time, take care of yourselves!

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