What makes the difference between those Michael Jordan's of the world and everyone else?
Is it based entirely upon their internal processes - think carefully about this one!
If you think very carefully about this question you will know that it is a universal truth that your actions result from the way you think. And how do you think?
Your thoughts are more often than not a result of the way you talk to yourself inside your head.
Napoleon Hill in his book Think & Grow Rich went to great lengths to hide the secret to all success. Or as he has put it another way to uncover for yourself what is known as The Master Key to Riches.
The Master Key is to control the way you think in such a way as to determine the results you get from the consequent actions you take.
Therefore, the way that you speak to yourself inside your head is absolutely crucial to your success in anything in life.
After being heavily involved in the personal development industry for a long time I strongly feel as though this is the one factor that separates those who are successful from those who are not.
You need to push yourself to succeed. You need to motivate yourself on a consistent basis to do that which you were born to do. You need to kick ass! Quite simply you need to coach yourself to success.
You are with you every waking moment of your entire life. And it is not the outside circumstances that you have control over. Pretty much the only thing you have control over is the way you think and thus the resulting actions you take.
You cannot be successful in anything without action. Even if that action is just thinking. For example, to be happy - be happy. Think happy thoughts.
I would love to discuss this with all of you who happen to stumble upon this article.
I know in my heart of hearts that this is the sole determinant in any successful venture.
Feel free to post any comments and I will respond to you all as soon as I can.
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