Saturday, August 16, 2014

Try chanting this every morning 10 times and not being motivated beyond belief

“Above & within me there is a spirit stronger than them all”

(Do this with the most riveting & psyched up physiology
I’ve ever displayed in my entire life – Chant with Eye of the Tiger) x 10!!!

I am the most determined & driven person on the planet

I vow to do whatever it takes!
I will keep trying my absolute best until I succeed!

This is my time… The losing stops here…
The pain…
the hurt…
the unhappiness…
The frustrations…
My life changes here…
Right now! TODAY!!!
There is no tommorow…

I believe in every ounce of my soul that I will succeed!
I will succeed beyond my wildest dreams over the next six months…
and it begins with succeeding today!

I summon all of my powers to exceed my greatest ability today.

Imagine I have already achieved my goals –
Picture what I had to do to get there…

I have to take more action than what’s necessary to achieve my goals –
Push myself like never before
Like those who have gone before me – I will dominate!

Find that driving spirit within… It is alive!
I can feel it through the essence of my being!

I am my (instruction: fill in with your 2014 goal) by the end of this year!!!
I am my (instruction: fill in with your 2014 goal) by the end of this year!!!
I am my (instruction: fill in with your 2014 goal) by the end of this year!!!

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