Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday 28th August


Hi there all!

I just had a massively important thing to say to everyone who reading / listening...

The movie 'Pay it Forward' was just on TV with Helen Hunt, Kevin Spacey, and Hayley Joel Osment.

It is the most fascinating concept for positively changing the world forever and most simplest idea to implement.

It actually brings tears to my eyes and I'm sure it would for anyone who's honestly watched it - it inspires me on the deepest level of my being...

I actually interviewed the author of the book that became the blockbuster hollywood movie - Catherine Ryan Hyde.

Her exclusive interview is contained within my book The Success Study as per http://www.amazon.com/The-Success-Study-Program-ebook/dp/B0046ZRM8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346188915&sr=8-1&keywords=james+kalnins.

I just really wanted to post this as a special thank you to her & her contribution to this world... I hope to implement this idea or a similar concept for positive world change in the very near future.

My writing and pursuit of becoming a full-time author is also continuing... alas a little slowly - I also have two dogs, a full time job, trying to learn another language, train and the daily juggle we all do.

The outline is much more difficult than I previously thought... not because an outline for a novel is difficult but because I want it to be a masterpiece... there are an endless aray of what ifs - you can literally create any world you'd like to! There are no limitations to the mind.

I hope to get this outline finished as quickly as possible for the new psychological thriller so that I can get down to the fun part of writing it.

Anyway I should get to finishing that outline - so until next time - Pay it Forward!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thursday 23rd August

@ 7:26am

The frustrations of doing all the stuff aside from writing.

As you all know this blog is posting my ramblings on my quest to become a full time author.

In my efforts to maximise my time & effort put into my writing I have set aside basically all of my spare time and energy into this.

Since 5am I have been diligently simply trying to upgrade the look of this blog.

Oh how I love html coding...

If you haven't tried it yet you're in for a whole bunch of fun.

I sit here 2 1/2 hours later and feel as though I've got nowhere...

Oh well at least I can continue with my writing for my new psychological thriller on the way to work.

I continue this blog even during the uninteresting stages as a way to let you all see precisely how it is done.

Going from the initial idea of a book and to having your books published to actually becoming a full time author and living the dream.

I hope this is a great help to you all.

PS - When people ask me about what I do for fun I have stopped telling people that I have written 6 books and am pursuing fiction and now just say that I'm an author its just easier that way.

PPS - As previously stated my other 3 previously written books will be made available soon... but I believe it could take longer than expected... Its on the to do list

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday 21st August

@ 11:59pm

I have continued to slog away at my day job.

It gives me the fire to continue to pursue my dream of becoming a full time writer.

I've also rekindled a fire inside for creative writing which I have not experienced in a while and at some level there is a sense of magic to it.

The magic of having your mind be completely infused with creative ideas is compelling & has given me access to a side of my brain I felt has been left dormant for quite a while - if not years.

The pursuit of my novel and the subject matter will most definitely be a psychological thriller.

Whilst taking public transport I've been able to 'score it' as anthony robbins says.

I've been able to make something which really is not all that much fun... fun.

I think once an idea as powerful as a good story begins it cannot be stopped until it is finished... at least it feels that way - as though it is writing itself.

I just hope that my readers and all of you reading this will really enjoy it.

My purpose in writing this book will not be to positively change the world forever - as fits my ultimate purpose - but instead to entertain my readers with a book designed to be read in one sitting.

As stated in another post this outline is almost finished & just needs some touching up to ensure all the pieces of the puzzle fit together well.

Then the real fun will begin...

Already I've noticed... that writing my time in a schedule seems to keep me motivated by knowing that I've accomplished a lot in a very short amount of time. Writing a basic diary of what you doing during the hours that you do it - definitely keeps you more motivated. It is a technique i used whilst studying and definitely aids the purpose of writing a full-length novel.

Anyhoos, time to get back to my writing...

Just to leave you with a tiny clue to my inspirations on writing this book - it definitely comes a little from Silence of the Lambs, and my current love affair with the criminal minds series.

Peace out peoples.

PS - if anyone feels like leaving comments on my blog posts - please feel more than welcome!

PPS - I will be launching my 3 other nonfiction books that have been previously written as soon as I get time to scratch myself - 2 books within the fitness industry & another within self development / self help.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monday 20th August Part 3


I have stopped writing my novels & ideas - so break time.

Although a ridiculously short blog post (& not related directly to my books but definitely to my ideas) I thought it would be great to share with my readers this very interesting article on currently global developments - as I believe this could have a massive worldwide impact in the following years to come.

This article talks about the automation of skilled work and in particular of an example of a factory in The Netherlands that almost complete automates its entire process. 

It appears as though the article suggests that this particular automated factory in The Netherlands requires about one tenth the workforce required of that in their sister Chinese factory.

Very interesting indeed.

Certainly ensures that manufacturing stays within the countries that have the capital to invest in such robotics.

But at what cost? 

To the detriment of the Chinese labor force?

To the detriment of the local labor force in that country?

All in all it will probably raise global GDP by providing a lower price for goods.

Lets hope that this continues humanities evolution for the better... Only time will tell

Monday 20th August Part 2


I have a dilemma.

Should I continue to write about that which I feel is most interesting and basically writes itself or on the other spectrum write a book which I feels most likely serves my goal of positively changing the world forever.

This is a difficult decision to make.

As far as writing the outline for a novel I feel as though I have it almost completed at least in a basic stage already for the psychological thriller.

In the same way that the success study book was conceived a simple idea is all that is required.

In the same way that an outline provides the paint by numbers approach to writing avoiding the dreaded writers block so to does the initial idea.

I feel I need to work more on the initial idea before I delve head over heels into the outline of a book that I do not strongly believe is the best choice for me at this moment.

Thus, could be a good time to get back to the idea formation.

Its funny even just writing in this blog helps me with the idea formation immensely.

Knowing that someone out there is reading this like an evolving story is in and of itself like a novel.

Okay, now time for me to get back to work.

Monday 20th August



I have written at least the beginnings of my outline.

The contemplation of a novel in a genre that I currently feel inspired by and have generally found quite interesting.

Please note: I will not add any spoilers to the novel here - so continue to read if you dare.

I will write a psychological thriller or at least a psychological thriller from the point of view of delving deep into the minds and thoughts of the individual/s involved.

I am unsure as to whether it will involve a crime.

Which seems to completely undermine the genre.

So alas this point remains currently unresolved.

This thriller will definitely involve suspense in a way that will cause the reader to be unable to put the book down.

It will become my first masterpiece - at least as a novel.

Something which many people will be able to enjoy.

The plan is to create a novel that will trap your pysche to such a degree that it will or should rival that of Silence of the Lambs.

I am currently a huge fan of Criminal Minds - so if I'm writing a psychological thriller and continue to move down that path it is probably in a huge way related to that.

It will be the type of book you cannot put down till you've finished it in one sitting.

I believe this process of blogging as the novel progresses to be of immense value to all concerned as it offers me a way to slowly reveal the apparent outline of the novel without revealing any of the actual content.

I will probably need to write a kick-ass motivational book like the script for Rocky that Sylvester Stallone wrote as soon as I've finished this so that I can get back to being level headed and serving my ultimate purpose.

Note the beginnings of this novel are intended only for entertainment purposes and of that which I write could  be another world which perhaps not many minds have ventured into.

Sunday 19th August Part 2

So I sit here at 11pm at night ready to partake in the adventures of the creative mind...

But first before I write my first full-length fiction novel I must see from those 'giants' if there is anything I should be made aware of before I go and spend a great deal of my life writing it.

I've heard that writing an outline is a useful idea so I will definitely entertain that possibility.

But, at the same time I can remember a methodology that has worked for me in the past, and this is to continuously write whatever comes into your head and simply do not stop writing.

But, I have not gone where those giants have gone.

I have not treaded their footsteps - at least not yet.

So I will learn from them and so hopefully on their shoulders I will stand.

My purpose in writing this blog is to let it transparently clear the mindset it takes to become a successful author from the very beginnings before the first fiction novel is written.

What a delight that will be and a gift to the world to be able to show them the beginnings before a successful novel was even written.

And so I will attempt to write in this blog before / after each writing session to enable you the reader to understand completely the process.

It's time to learn from the giants.

Thence proceed to the beginnings of a thousand mile journey.

I am more than willing to take the first step.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sunday 19th August 2012

So here I go attempting the seemingly absurd if not impossible - to become a full-time author.

I sit here at 1:39am typing on my computer loving the escape of writing on this blog whilst my looming day job draws closer.

It is probably a good idea to go to bed very soon.

At the same time I am an aspiring author and have been ever since I was six years old.

Knowing what you want to do is the first step to success.

And you wana get damn good at that first step if you wana proceed to the second.

I believe this is the path for me.

The world of creativity.

So I will begin to write as of now.

Lets see where this whirlwind takes me.

It is the first step on my path to positively changing the world forever...

Here is a link to the beginning of my 3 books which are available - if anyone is interested: http://www.amazon.com/James-Kalnins/e/B00476R4H0/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1