Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday 28th August


Hi there all!

I just had a massively important thing to say to everyone who reading / listening...

The movie 'Pay it Forward' was just on TV with Helen Hunt, Kevin Spacey, and Hayley Joel Osment.

It is the most fascinating concept for positively changing the world forever and most simplest idea to implement.

It actually brings tears to my eyes and I'm sure it would for anyone who's honestly watched it - it inspires me on the deepest level of my being...

I actually interviewed the author of the book that became the blockbuster hollywood movie - Catherine Ryan Hyde.

Her exclusive interview is contained within my book The Success Study as per http://www.amazon.com/The-Success-Study-Program-ebook/dp/B0046ZRM8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346188915&sr=8-1&keywords=james+kalnins.

I just really wanted to post this as a special thank you to her & her contribution to this world... I hope to implement this idea or a similar concept for positive world change in the very near future.

My writing and pursuit of becoming a full-time author is also continuing... alas a little slowly - I also have two dogs, a full time job, trying to learn another language, train and the daily juggle we all do.

The outline is much more difficult than I previously thought... not because an outline for a novel is difficult but because I want it to be a masterpiece... there are an endless aray of what ifs - you can literally create any world you'd like to! There are no limitations to the mind.

I hope to get this outline finished as quickly as possible for the new psychological thriller so that I can get down to the fun part of writing it.

Anyway I should get to finishing that outline - so until next time - Pay it Forward!

1 comment:

  1. Remember that the outline doesn't need to be perfect as long as you can create a masterpiece from it

    "To climb steep hills require slow pace at first"
